Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another Year, Another Set of Writing Goals (and a Few Aspirations)

Okay, so I'm not so great at remembering to cross-post from my LJ blog.

So, I'm just gonna say sorry and send you here if you want to take a look at all I've posted recently (it's a bunch, so take your time). And I promise I'll try to do better to remember this blog as well.

Anyway, since I'm all about making new promises, I thought I'd share my new writing goals (and a few aspirations) for the new year with anyone who cares to know what I have planned for 2010. The following is cross-posted from my LJ blog.

Without further ado, they are:

1. Finish the first draft of my current WIP. The real, official deadline I've set for myself is my birthday (mid-Feb), but I'm really hoping to finish this by the end of January.

2. Write the first draft of another MG novel.

3. Polish one of the first drafts I have floating around on my hard drive and send it off to my agent.

4. Write five days a week.

5. Work on my health goals, since I'm not particularly happy about looking like a lumpy marshmallow if I ever need to get an author photo. (I won't list those particular goals here, but yes they are specific and hopefully attainable.)

1. Sell the manuscript currently out on submission.
2. Get either a two-book deal OR sell a second book (I'm not particular about which one, I'd just like to have two books sold).
3. Become an entertaining speaker for anyone who thinks I might have something interesting to say. (Yes, I like to talk but so far I haven't had much to say. I still don't, but I can dream, can't I?)

I'm ready for you, 2010.